Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why is Mcain such a racist and the Repubs elected him as a candidate?

John McCain is probably the furtherest thing from a racist you could find in the Red Party. He adopted a very endearing young Asian child and was lambasted in the South Carolina primary by Rove and company when he ran in the last election. In fact, it is one of the things I hold against him. How any man, after being treated in such a harsh and indignant manner could thing kiss up to those responsible is beyond me. They implied he adopted a black child. It is another reason the far right wing nut radicals of the Red Party hate him. It is there you will find some of the most bigoted and racist individuals living among humanity. I live in Missouri and it is right up there with any other southern racist state when it comes to the racist Red Party. They have just become much more adept at hiding their tendencies. The problem all you racists have, is the Electoral College. A few heavily populated areas will have a lot more influence than these redneck, bottom crawling, scalawag bigots in flyover country will.


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