Sunday, January 8, 2012

Diminishing faith - Urgent Q!!! (Athiests free to voice opinions!)?

I'm 15 y/o, and I have never been an ardently religious person, but I always had faith that I'd make it through the day, I didn't pray often, but I did so rather regularly. However, the last two weeks have rocked me, I feel like I've been pushed into a hole of sorts. Over the last two weeks, I have lost every drop of faith in God that has been built by me into my personage. I don't think I ever did believe in god; I remember reading a column written by Dinesh D'Souza which was an antithesis to religion which stated that religion was created to drive the mediocre mes, a *spiritually* charged middle cl whose idea of morality is derived from the 10 commandments would be a better and more productive workforce as compared to an apathetic, agnostic, cynical one. I have pondered over the idea lenghtily, and I have in the process of trying to accept God again, tried to discover the origins of the scriptures which if anything decreased my chances of reaching god again. I'm searching for some advice or anything on where I am to go next, this is my usual venting site, and as usual I am open to any advice I can receive. Thanks.


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