Thursday, January 12, 2012

Don Imus' racial remark?

how is it racial if not all of them were of one color. and who decided nappy headed ho was directed at black girls. i think it is just ridiculous that something of this nature be turned racial and now you have a national womens group crying ism. lets break it down, some do have tatoo's, some did look rough that night at the championship game, and the ho comment was wrong but to make itas big as it is, is just stooooopid. he should apologize for them but to say he is racist is crazy. what about all the rap groups, they must be racist also because they use even worse language. should we ask for all those who are crying wolf to submit their rezignations for for their past discretions. worse case is he hurt some people feelings and if he gets fired please have al "not so sharp"ton to fund the various charities that don imus funds. i do not listen to imus nor do i enjoy his brand of humor but i say not to listen if he is offensive to you but be ready to defend yourself in the future because slowly there are lines being drawn. it is freedom of speech and you must take the good with the bad.


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